Prillika-kuttikära. Hereafter we shall explain the process of calculation known as Vallika-kuttikära":--
The rulo underlying the process of calculation known as Vallikä, in relation to Kuttikör (which is a special kind of division or distribution) :
1154. Divide the (given) group-number by the (givon) divisor; discard the first quotient; then put down one below tho other the (various) quotient obtained by the successivo division (of the various resulting divisors by the various resulting remainders; again), put down below this the optionally choson number,
* It is so called because the method of hulrikara explained in the rule in Larod upon a creeper.like chain of figuren.
115+. The rule will become oleur froin the following working of the problem in stanzı No. 1175.
Here it is stated that 63 honps of plantaina together with 7 mert fruita are exactly divisible among 23 per'noni; it is required to find out the number of fruita in a henp. Here the 83 is called the group number, the numerical value of the fruits contained in each leap in called the group-value'; and it in this latter which lie to be found out.
Now, according to the rule, we divide first the rani, or group-lumber 63, ly the cheda or the divisor 23; and then we continue the process of division as in finding out H.C.F. of two numbers :-- 23)6362 48
Iter, the first quotient 2 in dieserded; the other 17)2301
quotients at written down in a linn one below the
other in in the markin; then we have to choon
Auch number air, when multiplied by the last 6)1713 12
reminder I, and then combined with 7, (the
number of parte fruits given in the problem, 68.1
will be divinible by the laat divinar 1. We accordingly cho 1, which is written dowi below the last figure in the chain; and below this chonendum er, again, is written down thu quotient ubtained in the above division with
tl:e help of thu choroni number. Here we stop the divinion with the fifth remainder as it in the least remainder in the odd position of order in the series of divisione carried out hero.