RULE-OF-THREE. The fourth subject of treatment. 1. Salutation to that blessed Vardhamana, who is like a "helpful) relation to (all) the three worlds, and is (resplendent) ike the sun in the matter of absolute knowledge, and has cast off the taint of) all tho karmas.
Next we shall expound the fourth subject of treatmont, viz., ule-of-three.
The rule of operation in respect thereof is as follows:
2. Here, in the rule-of-three, Phala multiplied by Iccha and livided by Promina, becomes the (required) answer, when the Techá and the Promāna are similar, (i.., in direct proportion); and n the case of this (proportion) being inverse, this operation involving multiplication and division) is reversed, (so as to have livision in the place of multiplication and multiplication in the place of division). Eramples relating to the former half of the above rule, i.e.,
on the direct rule-of-three. 3. The man who in 31 days goes over 51 yojanas--give out what (distance) he (goos over) in a year and a day.
4. A lame man walks over of a kvöxer together with $ (thereof) in 7 days. Say what (distance) he (goes over) in 3 years at this rate).
5. A worin goes in & of a day over of an angulu. In how many lays will it reach the top of the Meru mountain from its bottom?
6. The man who in 3 days usos up 11 karsē panas--- in what rime (will) he (use up) 100 puranas along with 1 pana ?
2. Pramana and Phala together give the rate, in which Phala is a quantity of the samo kind is the required answer and Pramana in of the same kind as Iccha. l'hin Iccha is the quantity about which something is required to he found out at ho givon rate. For instance in the problem in stansa 3 here, 3 days in the Pramdna, 67 yöjunas is the Phala, and 1 year and 1 day is the Iccha.
3. The height of the Miru mountain a supposed to be 99,000 yojanas or 78,032,000,000 angulus,