56. Four times the square root of the number of a collection of boars went to a forest wherein tigers were at plar; 8 times the squiaro root of of the remaimler (of the colleotion) went to a mountain ; and 9 times the square root of of the (further) remainder (left thereafter) went to the bank of a river; and boars equivalent in (numerical) measure to bi were seen ultimately, to remain (where they were in the forest. live out the numerical) moasure of (all) those boarn.
Thus ends the saunīla variety
The rule relating to the Bhagas cirurya variety of mincollaneous problems on fractions):
57. From the winplifier) denominator of the procities compound fractional part of the unknown collective quantity, divided br its own related numerator also wimplitied, subtract four tince the given known part of the quantity, then multiply this (resulting difference) by that same simplified) denominntor (dealt with as abovel. The wquare root of this product is to be aideil to as well as subtracted from that hilme denominator (NO dealt with; (then) the half of wither) of those two quantities resulting as sim or ifference is the known collective qu:tity (required to be found out).
Eramples in illustration thereof. 58. A cultivator obtained first of a hoap of paddy ily mula tiplied by (of that name hoap); and (then) he had 24 urihan (left in addition). Give out what the measure of the heap is.
59. One-sixteenth purt of a collection of pearocks as multiplied by itself, (ie., by the same 'part of the collection), was found
56. The word saribulovokrilita in this lanz means 'tiyern ut play.' und at the same time happens to be the one of the metre in which the mannen in composed.
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37. Algebraically nealed - men
(me to ) map and the value of a
and thin vulue of : may
camily be obtained from the equation - the fractions contemplatus in the rule.