to the cast and those that went to the south-enst, diminished by half of itself and (again) diminished by the half of this (resulting difference), went to the south; the differenco between those that went to the south and those that went to the south-onst, diminished by of itself, went to the south-west ; the difference between those that went to the south and those that went to the south-west, went to the west; the difference between those that went to the south-west and those that went to the west, together with
of itself, went to the north-west ; the difference between those that went to the north-West and those that went to the west, together with of itself, went to the north; the sum of those that went to the north-west and those that went to the north, diminished hy of itself, went to the north-east; and 280 parrots were found to remain in the sky (alors. How many were the parrots (in all)?
17 to 2:. One night, in a mouth of the spring nongon, il certain young lady ... was lovingly happy along with her husband on ... the floor of a big mangion, white like tho moon, and situated in a pleasure-karlen with noch beut down with the load of the bunches of howers and fruits, and resonant with the sweet sounds of parrots, Cuckooh and we which were nll intoxicated with the honey obtained from the flowers tburoin. Then on a love.guarrolarining between the husband and the wife, that lady's necklace made up of pearls locum numered and foll on the floor. Oue-third of that nevklare of pearls reached the maill-scrvant ther; ! full on the bed; then of what romained (and one-half of what remained thereafter and again. of what remained thereafter) and so on, counting wix times in all), fell all of them everywhere; and there worr. found to remain (unicattored) 1,161 pearls; and if you know how to work) miscellanoous probleme (on fractions), vive out the numerical) mengure of the pearls (in that necklace).
23 to 27. A collection of bech characterized by the blue color of the shining indranilo rem was seen in a flowering pleiuurn
17. Certain epithet her: huve not be considered it for transition.