The Squaring, Square-Root, Cubing, and Cube
Root of Fractions. In connection with the squaring, the square root, the oubing, and the cube root of fractions, the rule of operation is as follows:
13. If, after getting the square. the square root, tho cube (or) the cube root of the (simplificd) denominator and numerator (of the given fraction), the (new) numerator (so obtained) is divided by the (similarly new) denominator, there arises the result of the operation of squaring or of any of the other above-mentioned (operations ns the c180 may be) iu relation to fractions.
Eramples in illustration thereof.
14. O arithmetician, tell me the synares of , 1, 1, 19, 20, 1.54 and 299
15. The numorators (of the given fractions) begin with 3 and (gradualls) riso by 2; tho denominators begin with 2 and (gradunlly) riso by 1; the number of these (fractions) is known to be 12. Tell me quickly their snares, you who are foremost among arithmetioins.
16. Tell me quickly, O arithmetician, the square roots of 1, }, I'm z's and
17. O clever man, tell me what the squaro roots are of the squared quantities which are found in the (examples bearing on the) squaring of fractions and also of 75%
18. The following quantities, uamely', , , , , , , }and , Are given. Toll me their cubes separately.
19. The numerators (of the given fractions) bogin with 3, and (gradually) rise by 4; the denominators begin with 2 and (gradually) riso by 2; the number of such (fractional) terms is 10. Tell me their cnbes quickly, friend who are possessed of koen intelligonce in caloulation.
17. Ilere 078 is given in the original ax 700-3* 8.