have found proper place in it From all relevant accounts is clear that the armies played a constructive role in the preservation of security, law and order The safety of the citizens was protected at all cost The citizens, properly qualified and trained joined the army and served the state and also their own self.
When oral instructions and orders from the king or the prime minister was enough, there was no question of written directions But this was not possible and desirable always. There had to be a bureaucracy to ensure prompt execution, accuracy and preservation of recorded evidence The only difference that existed between the procedures of those days and those of our days at present was that it was never allowed to row indispensable. Bureaucratic hold, red-tapism were never allowed to take roots. The officers had no say in the matter They were employed to do the clerical work and keep the records on hand There was of course a big section of such officers in every department of the state The state did not underrate their need and usefulness Agriculture was no doubt one of the major means of maintenance The well-being of the people and the state depended very largely on this Adequate coverage is given to the peasants and farmers in their stories by the writers In doing so they have not overemphasized their indispensability The farmers are the real feeders in the final analysis Doing perspiring labour, it is they who put life in the land, untilled and unsown, barren and wild. This feature is sufficiently underlined by the Jaina writers of these stories (Punyastava Kathakosa, p 337 and Do Hajar Varshakı Kahanjan p 96)
Trade and Commerce
The traders and businessmen amassed wealth in their business Boats and vessels and ships plied in those days The enterprising merchants undertook voyages, went to far off countries to earn more wealth They used to return home with wealth increased and money multiplied No trouble dampened their spirit and no difficulty ever had an upper hand They fully illustrated by their example the maxim "fortune favours the brave" and "wealth goes to him who is industrious" (Aradhana Kathakosa, pail li, p 45 ard 135; Do Hajar Varsha Purani Kahania, p 31 and p 96).
The learned and literary people also did not lag behind They employed their scholarships as a means to maintenance It is said in these stories of the Jaina writers that a musician earned his livlihood through music and a poet through his poems Lower section of the society fixed its hope of sustenance on their professional activities such as picture-showing, ropewalking, magic, sorcery and sleights of hand