(12) Indian Reference Sources: An annotated guide to Indian reference books Compiled by H D. Sharma, L. M P. singh, and S. P. Mukherji. Varanasi and Jullunder, Indian Bibliographic Centre, 1972.
Apart from these, the most fundamental bibliography till the beginning of this century was Essai de Bibliographie Jaina, pertoire analytique et méthedique des travaux relatifs au Jainisme Compiled by Guérinot, Armand Albert. Paris, Leroux, 1906. It was a classed bibliography of 852 works on Jainism
INDEXES There are a few indexes which are useful to look for periodical articles on different aspects of Jainism
(1) Index India Edited by N N Gidwani, Jaipur, Rajasthan University Library, 1967 - Not up-to-date Last volume is vol 8, nos 1 and 2, for January-June, 1974 It is a quarterly documentation list on India of materials in English appearing in Indian newspapers, Indian and foreign periodicals, composite publications, biographical profiles, book reviews, theses and dissertations It has author and subject indexes Desired information is found in the subject index under Jain and under Jainism
(2) Guide to Indian Periodical Literature (Social Sciences and Humanities). 5 annual volumes for the years 1964-68. edited by Vijay Kumar Jain, Gurgaon, Prabhu Book Service It is a cumulated subject-author index to arıtıcles from about 140 selected Indian periodicals on social sciences and Humanities Subject entries are to be found under Jainism Periodicals
There are quite a number of periodicals specially bringing out articles on Jainism, and others in which Jainism forms a part of the subject covered The former can be easily located in the following bibliography of journals
Indian Periodicals An Annotated Guide, compiled and edited by N N Gidwani and K Navlanı, Jaipur, 1969 Using the key to subjects in the preliminary section, one could look up for the desired information under Jainism, coming under Religion Alphabetical Index provided at the end is also useful Press in India (Part II), and a recent bibliography of Indian periodicals, namely, Indran Periodicals In Print - 1973, compiled by H N D Gandhi, Jagdis Lal, and Suren Agrawal, Delhi, Vidya Mandal, 1973, gives useful information on the price, place of publication, etc of the required periodicals
SOME OUTSTANDING PERIODICALS 1 Jarn Antiquary. Sıx Monthly. Dev Kumar Jain