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land for an Oliver. In clear words, it meens that a brickbat should be replied with a stane or even a bullet. The beauty of Jainism lies in the fact that it has reconciled both the views in the framework of its philosophy and ethics, The interpretation of Ahimsa in Jainism is quite reasonable and applicable to everyday life in this world. Jainism has combined both these views and has prescribed the use of both the principles under, of course, different circumstances of life with the essential equilibrium of the non-violent intention even while doing an act of violence in emergent circumstances. Coniplete abstention from acts of violence is, no doubt, prescribed in Jainism, and so they must always conduct themselves after the former view-that is curning-the-other cheek principle. But for the houscholders only Sankalapa himsa and Bhava himsa are forbidden, i. e., killing by intention and feeling. For a householder thus killing for sport or hunting is, no doubt, strictly forbidden. For the sake of defence or while one is disinteres. tedly discharging one's duty, if any aggressor is injured or killed one is not hold guilty, the condition is that one should be a householder.