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"I know this earth is not my sphere For I cannot so narrow me, but that
I still rxceed i." John Masefield says :
“Laugh and be merry, like brothers akin.
Guesting awrıle in the rooms of a beautiful inn," Well has Campion sung :
"Good Thoughts his only friend. His wealth a well-spent age. The earth his sober inn And quiet pilgrimage."
Religion alone is a constant and more for cible solace to man. It treats of man as a living entity thrown on this world for ennobling his mind and making himself fit for another abode which is his real Home.
Jainism is the strongest exponent of the apparent transitoriness and futility of the worldly possessions. It prescribes five essential vows for observation in daily life in the pursuit of the latter path :
1. Ahimsa-Non-injury to all human beings 2. Satya-Abstention from all lies; 3. Asteya-Abstention from stealing; 4. Brahamachariya-Leading the life of
sexual abstinence.