The Ethics and Philosophy of Jainism
The world is in a state of ferment today. Fear and hate grip the nations of the world.This has brought about a cold war in the world in spite of experiencing the horrors of the two world wars. The net result of all this is that there is considerable insecurity in the world which is now like a hayrick waiting for its match.
Signs of threatening environment, of insecurity struggle and impending war all over the world are all due to the strong control of human relations by instincts of greed and selfishness. There is no doubt that religion alone has the power to curb the evils that have gained an upper hand over the human passions. Undoubtedly, victory over the abnormal tendencies can be possible only when true religious belief is awakened in the heart of every man. It is the flame of religion that can consume all animositties in its purity. As majority of the