( 27 ) is also fully demonstrated by the fact that it enabled them to attain the fullest degree of perfection.
Such is the main teaching of Jainism. It is obvious that it has nothing in common with any of those systems of religion which engender or encourge superstition. The path to Nirvana or Absolution according to Jainism, consists in right belief, right knowledge and right conduct.
Jainism prescribes two kinds of rules of conduct for the souls which aspire to attain şalvation-those becoming ascetics and those suitable for the life of the householder. The former's rigidity is well calculated to lead to emancipation in the course of our earth-life but the latter are meant for those not sufficiently advanced to undertake the arduous and austere vows of the ascetic. Hence the effect of the influence of Jainism on modern civilization does not mean the destruction of its useful institutions at all, but only the elimination of such of them as actually play hovoc with the spiritual aspiration of the soul and lead it to undesirable regions and unhappy incarnations in the future.