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soul is the rhythm of free activity of the selfconscious force, the living essence or "will-to be", and feels dull and heavy when burdened with external and unnatural tasks and obligation. Hence the removal of its obligations and restraints re-extablishes its pure rhythm of intense lightness, that is, freedom, and enables it to enjoy its Swabhavic Ananda (bliss). It follows from this that when all its obligations and tasks are removed, the soul must necessarily experience the purest kind of delight which being swabhavic (appertaining to its own nature, can have no ending.
Ignorance prevents the soul from the enjoyment of its natural joy which is very difficult to understand. The nature of the pure joy is such that one cannot exract it from one's surroundings, which are by nature utterly incapable of yielding it. Yet if men will only analyse their feelings, they will not fail to observe that the moments of true happiness are only the moments of true freedom. Ignorance of the natural joy of the soul,then,is the cause which stands between it and happiness. Hence knowledge is necessarily the road to bliss.
The kind of knowledge which leads to joy