Tatyartha Sutram
5 Ter, Anuttara (heavens, 1 c,)
fara, Vijaya, 47, Vaijayanta, 747, Jayanta,
Sala, Aparajita , arrifafa, Sarvartha-siddhi Above the Sarvartha-siddhi, is the f a, Sıddha-kshetra, the place of Liberated souls
The first heaven át Saudharama is the nearest, because its central heavenly car or abode ( Vimana) is only one bair's breadth from the top of the Central Meru, (atan) This Meru 15 1,00,040 Fojanas high, 1,000 Fojanas of it are embedded in the earth, tbe rest 15 above, the top being 40 yojanas
The main Heavenls have 12 classes because there are 12 Indras in the 16 heavens as follotre The 1, 2, 3 4 heavens have one Indra eachre, 4 Indras
named after their heavens 5, 6
only, 10, 1 Brahmednra 7, 8 ,
, ,
1 Lantava. 9, 10 » » »
1 Sbukta 11, 12 , , , ,
1 Satara The 13, 14, 15, 16
4 named after their heavens
Total Indras 12 The 16 heavens have 52 layers (Patala), e, 31, 7, 4, 2, 1, 1 res pectively for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th pairs of heavens, and 6 for the 7th and the 8th paure There are 9 for the 9 Gravesakas,
1», 9 Anudisas,
1, ,5 Anuttaras; In all there are 63 layers Patala)
SUTRA 20 स्थितिप्रभावसुखधुतिलेश्याविशुद्धीन्द्रियावषिविषयतोऽधिका ॥ २० ॥
Sthiti prabhava sukha dyatı lesya vishuddhindriyavadhi vibayatoadhiksh
Age, power, enjoyment, brilliance, purity of lesya (paint and thought colour) sense-faculties, visual knowledge-(all) these go or increasing (as we go from the lower to the higher heavens)