Tatyartha Sutram
10 yojanas above them are the suns 80 yojanas above the suns are the moons 4 yojanas above the moons are the 27 nakshatras, 4 yojanas above the nakshatras is the Budha, the planet mercury 3 yojanas above them, is the Shukra, the Plant Venus, 3 yojans above them the Vrhastiati the plant Jupiter , 3 yojanas above them is the Mangala or Angaraka, the planet Mars, 3 yojanas above them is the Sanaishchara, the planet Saturn
Thus up to 900 yojanas from the earth-ler el upwards are found the stellar order of celestial beings The yojana bere is 2000 kosas
SUTRA 13 मेन्प्रदिनणानित्यगतयोनलोके ।।१३॥
vieru pradıksana zitya gatazo arloke In the human regions, (2 e, the 23 dvipas, the stellars) always more round (their respective) Mount Meru, (but their dearest orbit to the Central Meru in Jambu-dvipa has a radius of 1121 yojanas That is they never appear in a circle of 1121 yojana-radius, round the Central Meru.)
SUTRA 14 praninfart. Il PY 11
Tatkrtah kala vibhagah Divisions of time (are) caused by those (movements of the stellars)
SUTKA 15 aferant 1184 11
Babirayasthitah (The stellars) outside the 29 dripas 1 e, beyond Manusottara mountain in the middle of Puskararara dvipa, are) fixed. (They never more)
SUTRA 16 24T 119€ 11
Vaimenikah Now we go on to the heavenly beings