Third Chapter
sions cach of the 5 Bharatahsetra, and 5 Airavata, and 800 in
the Vidchas The total divisions arc 5 x 5 + 5 x 5+800-850 I q3, Antara-dripaja, C inter-continental Mlechchhas
There are 24 islands in fault, Lavanodadhi, the first occan round the first continent, Jambu-dvipa
These islands are peopled by grotcsquc creatures, with boars, elephants, horses, and head on a human body, or with long cars, onc leg; and similar grotesquc formations of the body Their age is onc palya 14 and they live on fruits, ctc of trees
500 yojanas from the circumfcrence of Jambu-dvipa, thcsc 24 islands are situated in a circle in the ATUALIS, Lavana Samudra The islands in the 4 cardinal directions are 100 yojanas in breadth, The 4 corner ones are 55 yojanas and the remaining 16 arc 50 yojanas in breadth These 16 arc 550 (instead of 500) lyojanas from the circumference of Jambu-dvipa
SUTRA 37 भरतरावत विदेहा : कर्मभूमयोऽन्यम देवकुरुत्तरकुस्भ्य ॥ ३७ ।। Bharatairavata videhah karmabhumayo anyatra devaku
ruttara kurubhyah.
Bharata, Airavata and Vidcha ksetras, except Deva Uttara-kurus (are the only regions where we find) Karma-bhumi, (26 agriculture, etc, for sustenance) This is also the region of picty and place from where liberation can be attained
SUTRA 38 न स्थिती परावरे विपल्योपमान्तर्मुहूर्ते ॥ ३८ ॥
Nristhiti paravare tripalyopamantar muhurte
The age of human beings (ranges from) a maximum of 3 Palyas to a minimum of one Antara-muhurta
Infinite x infinite atoms = 1 Utsanjnasanjna (TTAUTO) 8 Utsanjnasanjna
1 Saninasanjna (800) 8 Sanjnasanjna
=1 Trtirenu (zzy) 8 Truti-renu
1 Trasa-renu (paly) 8 Trasa-renu
=1 Ratha renunty) 8 Ratha-renu
1 hair point of a hairbin highest en
Joyment-land उत्कृष्टमोगभूमि)