Tatyartha Sutram
the unicn bcta cen a sperm and an or um, resulting into a fusion of th: tro cells into one single cell, called the 'fertilised os um'
975 Upazada Instantaneous Ruse (Instantaneous grouping together of the city, Varkrij aka, matter to form the Varbri, aba or fluid body Thich is peculiar to bellish and celestial beings)
SUTRA 32 सचित्तगीतमदुता सेतरा मिश्राश्चैकनस्तद्योनयः ॥ ३२ ॥ Sachittasıtaramvritah setatamisrascharkasastadyonayah
Lasing matter cold covered with their opposities, and the combination of each (pair) (are) their nuclei or birth places in ,joni nucicus, the matenal environment in which the incarnating sou finds lodgment, is of 9 kinds -
-799 Sachitta, of living matter, as the stomach, in thich worms may appear
, Achtta, of matter only with no life, as a wall or table in which mosquitoes may be generated.
997, Sachittachtta, of lying and dead matter, as lice in a slut s blouse or hat. The person is living but the blouse or hat is dead-matter
-FA, Shita, cold. Some microbes take birth on account of cold.
* Ushna, Hot. Some microbes take birth on account of heat
TPC, Sıhtoshna Where life is generated by the co-existense of cold and heat.
As the heat of sun breeding gnats in a stagnant pool of water
qa, Samyrata, Covered. As frut may go bad and breed germs in it, if it is kept packed for a long time
Fan Vivrata, Exposed. As moss in a piece of water un 1997, Samyrata-virita. Part exposed and part covered
The hellish and celestial beings take birth in s tatia achitta30n15
Souls taking birth from a womb, employ a patha alia Sachittachitta-joni
, Sammurchanas, employ sachitta, achetta, and sachittachittayonis
Hellish (771) and celestial beings (a) hare hot and cold (some one and come the other) nucleus
Fire-bodied souls ( 1197) have a hot one. The others have hot or cold or mixed