Fist Chapter
सदसतोरत्रिशेषाद्यद्वच्छोपालव घेरुत्तमत्तवत् ॥ ३२ ॥
Sadasato ravisesadya drichihopa labdhe runmattavat From lack of discrimination of the real, and the unreal, (the soul with wrong knowledge) like a lunatic, knows things according to his own whims
Wrong knowledge may be
(1) fa, Karana viparyaya, mistaking the cause of a thing, as that the passions are primarily caused by mattert, whereas they are the thought activity of the soul of which Karmas are an auxiliary cause.
30 a
(2) faq, Bheda bheda
parvaya, perverse confusion of cause and effect mistaking the true relation of cause and effect, holding separation in identical and identity in really seperate things, as holding that attributes and their substances are separate, and
(3) fa, Swarupa vipar yaya, mistake in the nature or character of a thing As idealists believing that form and colour are nothing they exist only in knowledge
fada, Viparyaya is also of 2 kinds
(1) C3, Sahaja, mistake arising by one's own self without any preaching of another
All are Sahaja except the next
(2), Aharya, mistake due to another's preaching, this is wrong scriptural knowledge caused by segsitive knowledge through the ears
So much for Pramana
नैगमसग्रव्यवहाञ्जु सूत्रशब्दसमभिदैव ता नया 11 33 11
Naigama Sangraha Vyavaharariju Sutra sabda Samabhirudhai Vambhuta nayah
The points of view (are) Figurative, general, distributive, actual descriptive, specific, active