Tatyartha Sutram
Then Sarghya, believes in Perception, Inference and TF Agama (Trustworthy affirmation )
$2179 Naryagka, believes in Perception, Inference, Trustworthy affirmation and 397 Upamana ( comparison )
1973 Momansaka, beliet es in Perception, Inference, Trustworthy afirmation, comparison, 54 Arthapattı (Fresumption ), and 7 Abhara ( Prnation)
SUTRA 11 आयो परोलम् ॥११॥
Adseo Paroksham The first to lands of knowledge i e, sf Sensitue and 37 Scriptural knowledge, are gre Parocha i e., Indirect or Mediate
Indirect is so-called as it is acquired by the external help of the senses (including the mind) or the Scriptures or by the internal help ie by the partial subsidence, destruction and operation 147 Kshyopsham of the lowledge-observing Farma
प्रत्यक्षनन्यत् १२
Pratyaksha Manyat The remaining three 1 e 9 Ai adhi, visual, direct, material knowledge, 75 TR Manah parjaga, Mental, direct mental knowledge and in Kerala, Perfect knowledge are Prattaksha, i e. directly known by the soul itself, without any external help
Of these the Visual and Mental arise on the 114TH Kshagopashama, destruction, subsidence of knowledge-obscuring karmas They are called č94 Deshaprats aksha, Incomplete direct knowledge
Kevala arises from total destruction of knowledge-obscuring karms This done is om SRS Sakala Pratyaksha or complete direct knowledge.