Nineth Chapter
SUTRA 7 अनित्याशरणससारकत्वान्यत्वाशुच्यास्रवसवरनिर्जरालोकबोधिदुर्लभधर्मस्वा
ख्यातत्त्वानुचिन्तनमनुप्रेक्षा ॥ ७ ॥ Antyasharanasamsaraikatyanyatvashuchyasravasamyaranı. riaralokabodhıdurlabhadharmasyakhyatattvanuchintanamanu. preksah
(The Pret 57, 12 meditations are ) 1 faiga ai, Anityanupreksa, Everything is subject to change
or transitory 2 upmaa, A sharananupraksa, Unprotectiveness, Helplessness
The soul is unprotected from the fruition of karmas, eg,
death, etc 3 Aargar, Samsaranupreksa, Mundaneness Soul moves in
the cycle of existenees and cannot attain true happiness till
he is out of 10 4 vieg , Ekatvanupreksa, Loneliness I am alone the doer
of my actions and the enjoyer of the fruits of them 5 97991 al, An vatvanupreksa, Separateness Otherness The
world, my relations and friends, my body and mind, they are all distinct and separate from my real self #746 , Ashuch vanupreksa, Impurity The body is impure and dirty Purity is of 2 kinds of the soul itself, and of the body and other things This last 18 of 8 kinds 59791T Asravanupreksa, Inflow The inflow of karmas is che cause of my mundane existenee and it is the product of
Passions, etc. 8 Hauga al Samvaranuprebsa, Stoppage The inflow must be
stopped 9 Afangen, Norjar anupreksa, Shedding Karmic matter must
shed from or shahen out of the soul 10 atilag en Lokanupreksa, Universe The nature of the Uni
verse and its constituent elements 11 afugatuat al Bodhıduralabhanuprebsa, Rarity of Right Path
It is difficult to attain right belief, hnon ledge and conduct 12 marziaragi, Dhai masvakha jatatvanupreksa, Nature of
Right Path The true nature of Truth, i e, the 3 fold path to rcal Liberation