Seventh Chapter
4 टीनाधिकमानोमान Hmadhika-manonmana
False weights and
5 f,Pratu upaka-vvarahara,Adulteration,
प र विवाहकरणेत्यरिकापरिगृहीतापरिगृहीतागमनानगक्रीडाकामती ग्राभिनिवेगा ॥ २८ ॥
Paravivahakaranetvarıkaparigrihitaparigrihitagamananangakrida kamativrabhınıveshah.
are )
(The partial transgression of the fourth vow Paras wahakarana, Bringing about the marriage
of people who are not of one's own family
2. इलरिकापरिग्रही नागमन Itwarikaparigrahtagamana, Intercourse with a niarried immoral woman.
PmFqda, Itvarikaaparigrahitagamana, Intercourse with an unmarried immoral woman.
4, Anangakrida, Unnatural sexual intercourse 5 mm, Kamatiral hinveshah, Intense sexual desire
क्षेत्रवास्तुहिरण्यमुवर्णं धनधान्यदामोदामकुप्यप्रमारणातिक्रमा ॥ २६ ॥ Ksetravastuhiranyasuvarnadhanadhanyadasıdasa
Transgressing the limit of fields, houses, silver, gold, cattle, corn, female and male servants, clothes
NOTE-The partial transgressions of the fifth vow परिमापरिमाणमत, Parigrahaparimanam ata, arise when a man limits the quantity of say two kinds of things, but then changes the proportion of those things, although the quantity remains the same, eg, he limits his land possessions to 4 fields and 2 houses Then wanting a house more, he acquires 3 houses and reduces the fields by one Thus though the number and possibly the value of his possessions may remain the same, still the limit of his vow is partially transgressed This sort of