Tatyartha Sutram
(of) 3717, Utpada, coming into existence, birth,
pa, V yaya, going out of existence, decay, and 14, Dhrauvya, continuous sameness of existence, perma
nence The meaning is that the substance remains the same, but its condition always changes, eg, a man is in anger and forgiveness supervenes, his angry soul is replaced by a forgiving one, i e, the forgiving condition comes into existence at the same time as anger goes out of existence, and all through the soul continues the same BFYF Utpada anda Vyaya are of 2 kinds
affa Svanımıtta, in the pure substance itself due to modification in the attribute of individuality, styga Agurulaghutva, on account of the substance Time ; and fra Paranimitta, modificafior in the impure substance with the auxiliary help of another substance, eg, in " Dharma and 4* Adharma, 718137 Akasha and fra Kala, which have only rafaf Svanımıtta, kind of Utpada and Vyaya. The maturity of karmas is the paranimitta (by the shedding of some karmic matter) of a change in the thought-activity of the soul
SUTRA 31 a62190914 faca! !!
Tadbhavavyayam nityam 'Permanence' (means) indestructibility of the essence (or quality) of the substance
SUTRA 32 अर्पितानर्पितसिद्ध ॥ ३२ ॥
Arpitanarpıtasıddheh The determination (of substances is done by giving prominence (to their indestructible essence and giving a secondary place to their changeable condition as it is necessary for their full consideration, because the permanent and the changeable aspect, though existing simultaneously, cannot be described simultaneously
Similarly in other pairs of contradictory characteristics, one must receive primary and the other secondary consideration
SUTRA 33 fame FETTEFEL 11 33.11 Snigdharuksatvadvandhah