filled our sails." I asked this Almousseri to explain his secret, but he answered that if he revealed it, his brethren would infallibly destroy him.
The power to control the elements is part of what we may call the higher magic. This is wielded only by the great Masters, such as Jesus, the supreme Master of the divine science. The unseen forces of Nature, and the beings that have their existence on the supra-physical planes, are at the command of those who have overcome all the powers hostile to mankind. The power of perfect love is irresistible.
In addition to the higher magic, there is a lower magic, black magic, or sorcery. This, too, is a formidable thing of which there is ample evidence. Its power is rooted in knowledge beyond that of the average human being, and is exercised in inducing fear, or dominating the victim's imagination. It employs the lower range of astral entities, and also makes use of material objects, drugs, and potencies of the vegetable and animal kingdom, poisons, germs, and so on.
The witch's cauldron is often referred to by writers ancient and modern, and "raising the devil" is an expression that has become familiar to all. Sorcery, or the lower magic, is still