MAGIC were possessed of knowledge that enabled them to control the powers of nature. After the Cataclysm which destroyed Atlantis, a few scattered remnants of the race survived in outlying regions. In Egypt some of these survivors perpetuated the ancient knowledge, and 8,000 years ago Egyptian magic was practised by the descendants of these Atlanteans. Mr. Edwin Felstead, in an article which appeared in Light, August 17th, 1934, enumerates some of the magical powers of the Egyptian initiates as follows:
1. Television without machinery; performed by gazing into a darkened pool of water, when an actual objective picture was perceived, not only by the magician, but by others present.
2. The ability to disappear; even when in a locked room with a company of people present; it may be noted that Jesus Christ did this, when threatened with stoning.
3. The ability to project one's astral form to any distance at will, in order to convey any desired message; the form would appear to the desired person, and speak in the Direct Voice.
4. The power of harming one's enemies at a distance ; known as er-tuf khabeb, this power was originally employed only for purposes of self-defence, or to check the progress of fugitive criminals. In the