replica of the development and experience of another soul. It is the kshara purusha who is all creatures, and the variety of experience, character and development is effected by a particular part of the universal swabhava or nature of conscious existence in phenomena, being attached to a particular individual or jiva. This is what is meant by saying that it is a part of God which becomes the jiva. This swabhava, once determined, does not change ; but it manifests various parts of itself, at various times, under various circumstances, in various forms of action and various bodies suited to the action or development it has to enjoy. It is for this reason that the purusha in Nature is called kshara, fluid, shifting, although it is not in reality fluid or shifting, but constant, eternal and immutable, sanatana. It is the variety of its enjoyment in Time, Space and Causality that makes it kshara. The enjoyment of the akhsara purusha is self-existent, beyond Time, Space and