experience, sensation, motion, is contained by Him as an object of spiritual enjoyment without limiting or determining Him. He is all things at once. Such an universality is necessary to support and supply individual existence, but it cannot be the determining limit of individual existence. Something has to be reserved, something put forward, and this partial manifestation is the individual. “It is verily an eternal part of Me that in the world of individual existence becomes the Jiva or individual.” The Jiva .or individual is kshara purusha, and between him and the Supreme stands the akshara purusha, the bird on the summit of the tree, joyous in his own bliss, undisturbed by the play of Nature, impartially watching it, receiving its image on his calm immovable existence without being for a moment bound or affected, eternally selfgathered, eternally free. This akshara purusha is our real self, our divine unity with God, our inalienable freedom from