समणा अमणा णेया पंचेंदिय णिम्मणा परे सव्वे । बादरसुहमेइंदी सव्वे पजत्त इदरा या ॥१२॥
Samaņā amañâ ņeyâ pañchendiya ņimmañâ pare savve.
Bådarasuhame-indî savve pajjatta idara ya (12).
Pada pâtņa.-jefa Pañchendiya, (Jivas] possessing five senses. # Samanâ, having mind. 4991 Amanâ, without mind. Tar Neyâ, are known. 42 Pare, the rest. Ho Savve, all. farraut Nimmaņâ, without mind, uz Eindi, [Jivas] possessing one sense. arę -ge T Badara-suhama, Badara and Sûkşma.
e Savve, all. 44 Pajjatta, Paryâpta (complete). Ya, and. et Idara, opposite of Paryåpta).
12. Jivas possessing live senses are known to be divided into] those having mind and those without mind. All the rest are without wind. [Jivas] having one sense [are dividel into two classes] Bâdara and Sükşma. All
of these have again two varieties each] Paryâpta and its opposite.
COMMENTARY. In this verse the fourteeu varicties of Jiva commonly known as Jiva-samasa in Jain philosophy are briefly described. I.. Gommatasara (Jiva-kânda) another work of the author of Dravya-samgraba each of these varieties has been described in detail. The versc in Gommatasîra which is parallel to this verse is as follows:
"वादर-सुहुमे-इंदिय बितिचउरिदिय असण्णिसणी य । Gas starga a gar alfa 11"
( heart I have I OR] 1,C., "Jivas of one sense divided into two classes, Badara and Sakşma, Jivas of two, three and four senses, Jivas having and not having Sanjâ, Paryâpta aul Iparrâpta, tlms they (the Jîvas) are of fourteen kinds."
* Sanskrit rendering: समनस्काः अमनस्काः ज्ञयाः पञ्चेन्द्रियाः निर्मनस्काः परे सवें । वादरसूक्ष्मैकेन्द्रियाः सर्वे पर्याप्ताः इतरे च ॥ १२॥ Samanaskah amanaskah jūcyah panichendriyah nirwauaskah pare nazvve. Bådara-sükşmaikendriyaḥ sarvvo l'aryâptâh itare cha. (12).