this expansion and contraction of Jivas, according to different bodies, are only recognized from the Vyavahâra point of view. According to Nischaya Naya, Jîvas can fill up innumerable Pradesas in Lokâ kâsa.
पुढविजलतेउवाऊवणप्फदी विविहथावरे-इंदी। विगतिगचदुपंचक्खा तसजीवा होति संखादी ॥११॥ ॐ Pudhavijalateuvâûvanapphadî vivihathavare indî. Vigatigachadupañchakkhâ tasajîvâ honti sankhâdî.—(11.)
Padapatha.-geraadsarsane Pudhavijalateuvâ dvanapphadî, the earth, water, fire, air and plants. Faragatadze Viviha-th â vare indi, various kinds of Sthâvara, possessed of one sense. Fanfangs** Viga-tiga-chadu-panchakkhâ, of two, three, four and five senses. Sare Sankhadi, conches, etc. aasfiar Tasajiva, the Trasa Jivas. fifa Honti, are.
11. The earth, water, fire, air and plants are various kinds of Sthâvara possessed of one sense. The Trasa Jîvas, conches, etc., are possessed of two, three, four and five senses.
Tivas. eta inses: sima Sanliga-tiga-chadu
COMMENTARY. Sivas are classified under two principal heads-Samsâri (leading a wordly existence) and Mukta (liberated). In verses 11–13 of Drav... Ir, the Samsari Jivas with their sub-divisions are described, and the characteristics of Mukta Jivas are mentioned in verse 14.
In this verse, two varieties of Samsari Jivas are enumeratedSaņsâri, viz., Sthâvara (Immobile) and Trasa (mobile; capable of spontaneous movement.) Earth, water, fire, air and vegetables are Sthâvara Jivas and possess only one sense, viz., the sense of touch. Those Jivas which possess more than one sense are called Trasa Jivas. These might possess two, three, four or five
* Sanskrit rendering :
पृथिवीजलतेजोवायुवनस्पतयः विविधस्थावरैकेन्द्रियाः। द्विकत्रिकचतुःपञ्चाक्षाः त्रसजीवाः भवन्ति शङ्कादयः॥११॥ Prithivijalatejováyuvapaspatayaḥ vividhasthåvaraikendriyah. Dwika-trika-chatuh-pañicha-kşah trasajîvaḥ bhavanti sankhadayaḥ.-(11).