wherever there is smoke, there is fire.) This is the same as Vyapti Jñana mentioned in the Nyâya philosophy of the Hindus. Anumâna is inference and is either Svârtha (for one's own self) or Parârtha (for others. There is a detailed treatment of Anumâna in Jaina Nyâya philosophy, similar to that found in the Nyâya philosophy of the Hindus. Agama is knowledge derived through the words of one who is trustworthy. This also is recognised in different systems of Hindu philosophy, such as Vedanta, Nyaya, Sankhya, Mimamsal, etc.in
We finish this brief survey of different kinds of knowledge by saying that, as we have mentioned in our notes to verse 4 DravyaSamgraha that there are certain Karmas called Darsanâvaraņiya Karmas which obscure the different varieties of Dargana, so there are also Karmas which obscure the different varieties of Jñana. 'These are known as Jõânâvaranîya Karmas. Umâsvâmi in his Tattvârthâdhigama Sûtra has mentioned that Jñanavaraniya Karmas are of five sorts which obscure Mati, Sruta, Avadhi, M h ." and Kevala
"प्रत्यक्षादिनिमित्तं स्मृतिप्रत्यभिज्ञानतर्कानुमानागमभेदम् ।" III. 2. "संस्कारोबोधनिबन्धना तदित्याकारा स्मतिः।" III.:) दर्शनस्मरणकारणकं सङ्कलनं प्रत्यभिज्ञानम् ।" III. 5. उपलम्भानुपलम्भनिमित्त व्याप्तिज्ञानमूहः ।" III. 11. साधनात् साध्यविज्ञानमनुमानम् ।" III. 14. "प्राप्तवचनादिनिबन्धनमर्थज्ञानमागमः।" IIT 99.
[Pariksimukha satra.! "स्मरणप्रत्यभिज्ञानतर्कानुमानागमभेदतस्तत् पञ्चप्रकारम् ।" [II. '. "तत्र संस्कारप्रबोधसंभूतमनुभूतार्थविषयं तदित्याकारं वेदनं स्मरणम् ।"
I. 3. "अनुभवस्मृतिहेतुकं तिर्यगूलतासामान्यादिगोचरं संकलनात्मकं शानं प्रत्य
भिज्ञानम्।" III. 5. "उपलम्भानुपलम्भसम्भवं त्रिकालीकलितसाध्यसाधन संबन्धाद्यालम्बनं इदमस्मिन् सत्येव भवतीत्याद्याकारं संवेदनमूहापरनामा तर्कः।" [II. 7. "प्राप्तवत्र नादाविभूतमर्थसंवेदनमागमः" [V. 1.-[Pramana-NayaTattvalokalaikira. "स्मृतिप्रत्यभिज्ञानाहानुमानागमास्तद्विधयः।" I.2.2. "वासनोद्बोधहेतुका तदित्याकारा स्मृतिः।" 1. 2. 3. "दर्शनस्मरणसम्भवं तदेवेदं तत्-सदृशं तद्विलक्षणं तत्प्रतियोगीत्यादिसं
कलनं प्रत्यभिज्ञानम् ।" I. 2. 4. "उपलम्भानुपलम्भनिमित्तं व्याप्तिज्ञानमहः।" [.2.5. "साधनात् साध्यविज्ञानामनुमानम्।" I.2.7.-[Pramana Mināmsa.