Jiva, according to Jaina philosophy, consists of infinite Jñana and Darsana, but certain classes of Karma tend to obscure these. Darsana is of four kinds, Chakşu, Achakşu, Avadhi and Kevala ; so there are also four kinds of Karma which obscure each of these varieties. When there is a cessatiou or mitigation (7711937A) of one or more of these varieties of Karma, the corresponding class or classes of Darsana is or are evolved. Thus, by the removal of these Karmas, which obscure the Darsana which is received through the eye, a Jiva can see through the eyes. This is Chakşu Darsana (Darsana through the eye). Again, by the removal of that Karma which obscure the Darsana through any sense other than the eye, or minil, a Jiva can cognise through the four organs of sense-ear, nose, tongue or skin, and through the mind. This is called Achakşu Darsana (Darsana not through the eye). Similarly, when Karmas obscuring Avadki Darsana are removed, a Jiva can have Avadhi Darsana (psychic knowledge, limited by space and time and obtained directly by the soul, e.g., clairvoyance'. Lastly, by the removal of the Karmas which obscure Kevala Darsana, a Jiva can have Kevala (or perfect) Darsana (in which everything in the three worlds existent in the present, past and the future is at orce cognised)
Besides the four varieties of Karmas oscuring Darsana already mentioned, there are also five others mentioned by Umásvâmi, e.g., Nidra (sleep), Nidrânidrá (Deep sleep), Prachala (Trance), Prachala prachalâ (Drowsiness) and Styânagriddlhi (Somnambulistic state) These, together with the Karmas obscuring Chakşu, Achakşu, Avadhi and Kevala Daryana already mentioned, make up nine Darsankvaranîya Karmas.]
णाणं अट्ठवियप्पं मदिसुदोही अणाणणाणाणि । मणपजय केवलमवि पच्चकखपरोक्खभेयं च ॥ ५ ॥
Ņâņam atthaviyappam madisudachi aņâņaņânâņi * "चक्षुरचक्षुरवधिकेवलानां निद्रा-निद्रानिद्रा-प्रचला-प्रचलाप्रचला-स्त्यानगृद्ध.
21"-[Tattarthadhigama Sátra, VIII. 7.] t Sanskrit rendering:
शानं अष्टविकल्पं मतिश्रुत-अवधयः अज्ञानज्ञानानि । मनापर्ययः केवलम् अपि प्रत्यक्षपरोक्षभेदं च ॥५॥ Jhanam aştavikalpa mati-sruta-avadhayaḥ ajõânajñávani, Manaḥ-paryayaḥ kevalam api pratyakşa-paroksa-bhedam cha-15).