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जीवमजीवं दव्वं जिणवरवसहेण जेण णिदिडं।
देविंदविंदवंदं वंदे तं सव्वदा सिरसा ॥ १ ॥ Jîvamajîvam Davvam jiņavaravasahena jeņa şiddittham Devinda-vinda-vandam vande tam savvadâ sirasa-(1).
Padapatha. Jeņa, by whom. ÄTITUTËT Jiņavaravasahena, the greatest of the great Jinas. Jivamajîvan, Jiva and Ajîva. sei Davvam, the Dravya. fafen Niddittham, has been described. razlagie Devin. davindavandam, worshipped by the host of Indras. Tam, him. 4ęt Savvadâ, always. RTET Sirasâ, with the head. Vande, salute.
1. I always salute with my head that eminent one among the great Jinas, who is worshipped by the host of Indras and who has described the Dravyas (substances), Jîva and Ajiva.
COMMENTARY. The title of this work ‘Dravya-Samgraha' being interpreted literally means "A compendium of Dravyas.” According to the Jaina philosophy, the component factor of the universe is Dravya (substance), which is sub livided into Jiva (living) and Ajira (non-living) substances. Everything in this universe is either Jiva or
* Sanskrit rendering: जीवमजीवं द्रव्यं जिनवरवृषभेण येन निर्दिष्टम् । देवेन्द्र वृन्दवन्द्य वन्दे तं सर्वदा शिरला ॥२॥ Ji vamajívam dravyam Jinavaravrisabhena yena nirddistai Devendravrindavand yum vande tam sarvvada sirasi-(L.)