Padapatha.-ove Jamhâ, because. magagaca Tavasudavadavam, possessed of Tapa, Śruta and Vrata. ac Chedå, soul. Hrrregina Jjhâņarahadhurandharo, the holder of the axle of the chariot of Dhyana. Have, is Hug Tamhâ, therefore. Angel Talladdhie, to attain that. ar Sada, always aftrafeer Tattiyanirada, engaged in these three. Hoha, become.
57. As a soul which (practisos) penances, (holds) vows and (has knowledge of) scriptures, becomes capable of holding the axle of the chariot of meditation, so to attain that (meditation) be always engaged in these three fi.e., penanr:cs, vows and Sastras.)
COMMENTARY. It is said that only he who practises penances, keeps vowe and acquires knowledge of scriptures, becomes capable of practising meditation by concentrating his mind on the inward soul. Therefore it is absolutely necessary for one who wishes to practise ineditation to turn himself first of all towards the practice of penances, keeping o vows and knowing the scriptures.
The twelve kinds of penances Tapa), six external (Vâhya) anc six interal (Abhyantara) and the five kinds of Vrata have beer described in Verse 35.
दव्व-संगहमिणं मुणिणाहा दोस-संचयचुदा सुदपुण्णा।
सोधयंतु तणुसुत्तधरेणणेमिचंदमुणिणा भणियं जं ॥५८॥ Davvasamgahamiņam muộiņáhá dosasamchayachuda
sudapuņņâ, Sodhayantu taņusuttadhareņa Ņemichandamuņiņâ bha
niyam jam—(58).
Padapatha.--Agreter Taņusuttadhareņa, whose knowledge of Sastra is very little. They come Nemichandamuņina, the sage Nemichandra. Jam which. Iņam, this. Mind Davra-samgaharạ, Dravyasamgraha. * Sanskrit rendering:
द्रव्यसंग्रहमिदं मुनिनाथाः दोषसंचयच्युताः श्रुतपूर्णाः। giltere TOETTU AARAAT 119611. Dravya-samgrahamidam innnninathah, Dosa-sa fichaya-chyutaḥ srutaparnah; Sodhayantu tanusůtradharena, Nemichandramuning bhaạitam yat-(5