Padapatha.-ugeret Asuhado, from what is harmful. fafafarit Vinivitti. refraining. Ya, and. Suhe, in what is beneficial. Fan Pavitti, engagement. thai Chârittam, Charitra (Conduct). or Jâņa, know. Du, but.
aerwer Vavahârıņayâ, according to Vyavahâra Naya. auparayevaa Vadagamidiguttirûvam, consisting of Vrata, Samiti and Gupti. Ferarrama Jinabhapiyam, mentioned by the Jina.
45. Know Châritra to be refraining from what is harmful and engagement in what is beneficial. But according to Vyavahâra Naya, Châritra (Conduct) has been mentioned by the Jina to consist of Vrata, Samiti and Gupti.
COMMENTARY. From the ordinary point of view, Vratas (Vows), Samitis (Attitudes of carefulness) and Guptis (Restraints) may be said to constitute Charitra (Conduct. We have already described what Vratas, Samitis and Guptis are in Verse 35. One who is immersed in worldly aspirations and attached to worldly objects, one whose soul is possessed of attachment and aversion, one who listens non-Jaina scriptures, one who has a vicious mind, keeps evil company and follows the terrible evil path of life, is said to be active in the pursuit of what is harmful (Asubha).* Refraining from these and engagement in the opposite of these by p9 -:1 the five Vratas, five Samitis and three Guptis lead to what is beneficial (Subha). Châritra (Conduct) consists in the pursuit of what is beneficial and avoidance of what is harmful.
What is really Samyak Chiritra (Perfect Conduct) will appear from the next verse. बहिरभंतरकिरियारोहो भवकारणप्पणासढें । णाणिस्स जं जिणुत्तं तं परमं सम्मचारित्तम् ॥४६॥ Bahirabbhamtarakiriyâroho bhavakâraņappaņâsatthain. * "विसयकसाओगाढोदुस्सुदिदुचित्तदुट्टगोडिजुदो। उग्गो उम्मग्गपरो उवोगो जस्स सो असुहे ॥"
[Verse quoted in Brahmadeva's Commentary.] 1 Sanskrit rendering;
बहिरभ्यंतरक्रियारोधः भवकारणप्रणशार्थम् ।
शानिनः यत् जिनोक्तं तं परमं सम्यक चारित्रम् ॥ ४६ ।। Babirabhyantarakriyârodhaḥ bhavakaraṇapraņaśârthum, Jägninaḥ yat jinok-tam tam paramam samyak charittram-(46).