way in which the destruction of Karmas takes place in the case of sages, while, ordinarily, with respect to all classes of beings, the Karmas disappear only after their fruits are fully enjoyed. सव्वस्स कम्मणो जो खयहेदू अप्पणो हु परिणामो। णेश्रो स भावमोक्खोदव्वविमोक्खो य कम्मपुधभावो॥३७% Savvassa Kammaņo jo khayahedû appaņo hu pariņâmo, Neo sa bhâva-rnokkho davva-vimokkho ya kammapudha| bhavo (37).
Padapatha.- Jo, that. # Appaņo, soul's forer l'arinamo, modification. #8924 Savvassa, of all. *** Kammaņo, Karma, eg Khaya-hedû, the canse of destruction. Sa, that. Hu, surely. Hraune Bhava-inokkho, Bhava-mokna. ta Neyo, to be known. Ya, and. war Kaminapudlia-bhavo, separation of Karma. Poafawrenet Davva-vimokkho, Dravya-moksa.
37. That modification of the soul which is the cause of the destruction of all Karmas, is surely to be known as Bhava-mokşa and the actual) separation of the Karmas [is] Dravya-mokşa.
COMMENTARY. When a person is desirous of having liberation, he attempts to have perfect faith, perfect' .. perfect conduct. (See Verse 39.) Having perfect faith, knowledge and conduct, he becomes free from the four kinds of Ghâtiya Karmas, Jñînâ varaniya, Darsana-varaniya, Mohaniya and Antarâya (see Commentary on Verse 14). This modification of the soul which leads to the destruction of the Karmas mentioned above is called Bhâvamoksa. The commentator Brahmadeva, says that by the words "all Karmas" in the verse, the four
* Sanskrit rendering:
सर्वस्य कर्मणः यः क्षयहेतुः आत्मनः हि परिणामः।
ज्ञेयः स भावमोक्षः द्रव्यविमोक्षः च कर्मपृथगभावः ॥३७॥ Sarvasya karmaṇaḥ yah kşayahetuḥ âtmanaḥ hi pariņâmah, Jžeyaḥ sa bhavamokşah dravya-vimokşaḥ cha karma-prithag-bhávah-(37). + Sade THTYHTECİNenfaagamO?".
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