This destruction may be of two kinds, Bhâva-Nirjara and DravyaNirjarâ. Bhava-Nirjarâ consists of that modification of the soul which precedes and favours the separation of Karmic matter from the soul. Dravya-Nirjarê is the actual separation of the Karmic matter from the soul. In other words, B' - Vinjará is that state of the soul when the material particles arising from Karma disappear while Dravya-Nirjarà is the disappearance itself.
Bhâva-Nirjarâ is of two kinds, Savipaka or Akâma and Avipaka or Sakâma. That is to say, Karmas are destroyed in two ways, viz., (1) after their fruits are fully enjoyed and (2) through penances before such enjoyment of fruits. * Every person is affected with good or bad Karmas, the fruits of which are enjoyed by them in an existence in earth heaven or hell, according to the kind of Karma possessed by them. There is a fixed period of such enjoyment of the fruits of Karmas, and after the lapse of that period when the said fruits of Karmas are fully enjoyed, a person is freed from Karmas which disappear of their own accord. This is what is known as Savipaka Nirjarâ (or destruction of Karmas after the enjoyment of fruits.) This kind of Nirjarî can happen to all beings, for all kinds of Karmas of all beings disappear in this manner after a proper period. As this disappearance takes place without the activity of a person, it is also called Akâma (or un-intentional) Nirjara.
The second kind of destruction of Karmas takes place when the sages practise penances, by the force of which the Karmas disappear even before their fruits are enjoyed. This is consequently known as Avipaka Nirjarâ (or destruction of Karmas without the enjoyment of their fruits.) As such a kind of destruction can only be produced by intentional effort on behalf of a person, it is known as Sakama (intentional) Nirjara.
The soul is like a mirror which becomes dim when the dust of Karma accumulates on its surface. By Nirjarâ this dust of Karma * उपात्तकर्मणः पातो निर्जरा द्विविधा च सा ।
आद्या विपाकजा तत्र द्वितीया बाविपाकजा॥ अनादिबन्धनोपाधिविपाकवशवर्तिनः। कारब्धफलं यत्र क्षीयते सा विपाकजा ॥ अनुदीर्णं तपःशक्त्या यत्रोदीर्णादयावलीम्। प्रवेश्य वेद्यते कर्म सा भवत्यविपाकजा॥"
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