these opinings leading to the stoppage of Asrara. To use our old illustration, the holes will allow influx Asrara) of water (Karma, in a boat (Jiva); but if these holes be stoppel (Samrara', there will be no advent of water (Karma: in the boat Jiva.
As there are two kinds of Asraras. so two kinds of Samraras are also recognised as opposite principles to each of these kinds of Asrava. These are calleil Bhara-samvara and Dravya-samrara, as opposed to Bhavasrara an l Drary israra, respectively. Abhayadera Acharya has said that Bharasamvara is the stoppage of the inlets of senses through which Karma enters the soul, and Dravya-amvara is the stoppage, for example, of holes through which water enters a boats. In Vardhamāna Purana ire hare : “ That modification of consciousness which is void of attachment and arersion, and by which the influx of Karmas is stoppel. is called Bhara-samrara." And that by which the Yogis stop all kinds of influx through the great rows and meditation is called Dravya-samvara." †
These are the two principal varieties of Samvara, but the first rariety, vis , Bhirasamvara is, again, subdivided into many classes which will be described in the following verse.
वदसमिदीगुत्तीयो धम्माणुपिहा परीसहजो य । चारित्त वहुभेयं णायव्वा भावसंवरविसेसा ॥३५॥ * “अथवा यद् द्विधा द्रव्यतो भावतश्च । तत्र द्रव्यतो जलमध्यगतनावादे
रनवरतप्रविशजलानां छिद्राणां तथाविधद्रव्ये स्थगनं संवरः। भावतस्तु जीवद्रोण्यामास्रवत्-कर्मजलानामिन्द्रियादि-छिद्राणां समित्यादिना निरोधनं संवर इति ।"
[Commentary on Sthânânga.) "चैतन्यपरिणामो यो रागद्वेषातिगो महान् । कर्मास्रवनिरोधस्य हेतुः स भावसंवरः ॥"
“सर्वास्रव-निरोधो यः क्रियते तेन योगिभिः । महाव्रतादि-सद्ध्यानैर्द्रव्याख्यः स सुखाकरः ॥"
[Vardhamāna Purana XVI. 87-88.] | Sanskrit rendering:
व्रत-समिति-गुप्तयः धर्मानुप्रक्षाः परीषहजयश्च । चारित्रं बहुभेदं ज्ञातव्याः भावसंवरविशेषाः ॥३५॥ Vrata-samiti-gupta yah dharmānuprekgah parisahajayascha. Charitram vahubhedam jiatavyah bhavasanavaravisesah-(35).