forty-eight. The author of Dravya-Samgralia has treated these varieties in detail, in his work named Gommata Sara (Karia-hin.l.l. Here verse, he simply says that Dravyasrava is of many varieties. Consequently, we need not go into these detailed subdivisions.
वज्भदि कम्मं जेण दु चेदणभावेण भावबंधो सो । कम्मादपदेसाणं अण्णोण्ण पवेसणं इदरो ॥३२॥ Bajjhadi kammam jeņa du chedaṇabhâveņa bhâ
vabandho so, Kammâdapadesâņam annonņai..!cii idaro.
-(32). Padapatha.- Jena, which. Tara Chedanabhaveņa, conscious state. *** Kammam, Karma. e Bajjhadi, is bound. Sa, that. Haag Bhavabandho, Bhava-bandha. Du, but. ##ra K! !:, . of the Pradeśas of Karma and Âtmå (soul). Wontende Annonnapavesanam, inter-penetration. Idaro, the other.
32. That conscious state by which Karma is bound (with the soul) is called Bhâva-bandha, while the interpenetration of the Pradeśas of Karma and the soul is the other (i.e., Dravyabandha).
COMMENTARY. We have learnt in Verses 29-31 the causes, on account of which Karmas enter a soul. Now, when there is such an influx of Karmas, there is a bondage of the soul with these Karmas. This bondage is called Bandha.
Bondage of the soul with Karmas is made by the conscious states of mind, when a soul is excited with attachment or aversion. These states of consciousness are known as Bhava-bandha. In Vardhamâna-Puràņa (Canto xvi, Verse 43) we have : -
" Ruha THOR TI
येन कर्माणि वध्यन्ते भावबन्धः स एव हि ॥" i.e., " That modification of consciousness consisting of attachment or aversion by which Karmas are tied to the soul), is known as
* Sanskrit rendering:
वध्यते कर्म येन तु चेतनभावेन भावबंधः सः। कर्मात्मप्रदेशानाम् अन्योन्यप्रवेशनम् इतरः॥३२॥ Badhyate karma yena tu chetanabhävena bhava bandhah sah, Karmâtmapradesânâ anyonyapraveśanam itaraḥ.-(82).