Bahudeso uvayârâ teņa ya kâyo bhananti savranhu-(26.)
Padapatha.--14422ra Eyapadesovi, though of one Pradeśa. Anů, atom. recuber Nânâkhandhappadesado, on account of being Pradeśa of many Skandhas. Car Bahudeso, of many Pradeśas. Ele Hodi, becomes. an Tena, therefore. Ya, and. Have Sarranhu, the omniscient. aurat Urayârâ, ordinarily. Karo, Kava. Pat Bhananti, sar.
26. An atom (of Pudgala), though having one Pradesa, becomes of many Pradesas, through being Pradeśa in many Skandhas. For this reason, from the ordinary point of view, the omniscient ones call (it to be) Kâya.
COMMENTARY. It may be urged that, as each particle of Kala occupies a separate Praulesa, so we bare said that Kala has one Pradesa only; in the same manner, each atom of matter occupies one Pradesa, and consequently matter might also be said to hare only one Pradeśa. To this, we reply that it is true that a single atom of matter occupies a single Pradesa, but this atou may combine with other atoms and form different Skandhas which have many Pradeśas With reference to this stage, an atom may be said to have many Praderas. For this reason, from the ordinary point of view, we recognise even one atom to have many Pradesas. And, as that which has many Pradegas is called Kaya, so this atom also is known as Kaya.
The atoms in matter are capable of combining with one another and form Skandhas, but particles of Time cannot combine in this manner. It has been mentioned before that each particle of Time exists separately. Hence, though from the ordinary point vier we inay say an atom of inatter to have many Pradeśas with reference to its existence in a Skaulha stage, ive cannot say that a particle of Time in the same manner contains many Pradesas.
जावदियं श्रायासं अविभागीपुग्गलाणुवट्ठद्धं । त खु पदेसं जाणे सव्वाणुट्टाणदाणरिहं ॥ २७ ॥७
Javadiyam âyâsam uvibhágipuggalâņuvatthaddhau, * Sanskrit rendering:
यावन्मानं आकाशं अविभागिपुद्गलाण्ववष्टब्धम् । तं स्खलु प्रदेशं जानीहि सर्वाणुस्थानदानाहम् ॥ २७ ॥ Yavanmatram akaśam avibbagipudgalāņvavaştavdham. Tam khalu pradeśam jânihi sarvaṇusthånadánarham- (27).