are enumerated in Tattvarthidliigama Sutra "EVETCEPTOR: garar: 1" [V. 23] i.e., "Podgalas have touch. taste, smell and colour." In Vardhamana-Puráņa br Sakalakîrti also we have
" Pyet Tarragonar: 1"
(Canto IVI. Verse 10.1 i.e., " Pudgalas are endless and characterised by colour, smell, taste and touch." The varieties of colour, etc. have already been mentioned in the commentary to Verse 7. Page 23).
Thus tre find that among the five varieties of Ajira, Pucigala has shape and possesses colour, smell, taste and touch The other four Ajivas, Dharna. Adharma. Kila and Akasa have no form. सदो बंधो सुहमो थूलो संठाणभेदतमछाया । उज्जोदादवसहिया पुग्गलदव्वस्स पज्जाया ॥१६॥* Saddo bandho suhamo thûlo samthâņa-hheda-tama-chhaya. Ujjodâdava-sahira puggala-clavrassa pajjâyâ.-(16).
Padapatha. Saddo, sound. Bandho, union. Suhamo, fineness.yal Thalo, grossness. inaamarat Samthâna-bheda-tama-chhấya. shape, division, darkness, and image. stercargar Ujjodådava-sahivå. with lustre and heat. galeracat luggala-lavrassa, ot Pudgala substances. quorrut Pajjàyâ, modifications.
16. Sound, union, tineness, grossness, shape. division, darkness and image, with lustre and heat (are) modifications of the substance (known as) Pudgala.
COMMENTARY. Sabila or suund is said to be of two kinds - Bhârii-lakṣana (as incorporated in languars) and Abhand-lakşaņa (which dues not find place in any language). The first, again, is of two kinds, viz. (1) sounds which are expressed by letters and (2) sounds which are not expressed by letters. It is said that the last-mentioned kind of sounds is made br creatures rho possess two, three or four senses, or by the Keralis. • Sunsk, it rendering:
शब्दः बन्धः सूक्ष्मः स्थूलः संस्थानभेदतमश्छायाः। उद्योतातपसहिताः पुद्गलद्रव्यस्य पर्यायाः॥१६॥ . Sabdah bandhaḥ sûkşmah sthûlah samsthana-bheda-tama-schhayah. Udyotâtapasahitah pudgalndravyasya paryayah-16).