the ball of gold as a ring. Every substance in the universe is, according to Jainism, possessed of the quality of permanency (Nityatva), with generation (Utpada) and decay (Vyaya) of the modifications of itself. Being possessed of these qualities, is technically called 'Sat;' and this 'Sat' defines a substance (Draryaj in Jainism.*
अज्जीवो पुण णेश्रो पुग्गल धम्मो अधम्म प्रायासं ।
कालो पुग्गल मुत्तो रुवादिगुणो अमुत्ति सेसा दु॥१५॥ Ajjivo puņa ņeyo puggala dhammo adhmma âyâsam Kâlo puggala mutto râvâdiguņo amutti sesâ du--(15).
Podapatha.-पुण Pupa, again. पुग्गल Puggala, Pudgala. धम्मो Dhamme, Dharma. अचम्म Adhamma, Adharma. आयासं Ayasam, Akasa कालो Kalo, Kala, (Time). अज्जीवो Ajjivo, Ajiva. ओ Neyo, to be known. पुग्गल Puggala, Pudgala. स्वादिगुणो Ravadiguno, possessing the qualities, Rupa, etc. मुत्तो Mutto, having form. टु Du, but. सेसा Sesh, the rest. अनुत्ति Amutti, without forni.
15. Again, Ajîva should be known to be Pudgala, Dharma, Adharma, Akasa and Kala. Pudgala has form and the qualities, Rûpa, etc. But the rest are without form.
*"उत्पादव्ययध्रौव्ययुक्तं सत्।" "सद्व्य लक्षणम् ।"
['lattvarthadliigama Sætra V. 30. 29.] Again"स्वजात्यपरित्यागेन भावान्तरावाप्तिरुत्पादः । तथा पूर्वभावविगमा व्ययः । ध्रुवे स्थैर्यकर्मणा ध्रुवतीति ध्रुवः।"
[Tattvartharajavarttika V. 29 (1, 2 and 3.] ; ie., “Utpâda is having a modification by a substance without leaving its own kind, (e.g., the transformation of a lump of clay into a pot.) Vyaya is the change or disappearance of a form, (e.g., the change of a pot into pieces). Dhrauvya consists of the existence of the essential characteristics throughout different modifications (e.g., the existence of clay as such.)" † Sanskrit rendering : अजीवः पुनः ज्ञेयः पुद्गल धर्मः अधर्मः आकाशम् । काल: पुद्गल मूर्त रूपादिगुणः अमूर्तयः शेषाः तु ॥ १५॥ Ajivaḥ punaḥ jfieyaḥ pudgalaḥ dharmaḥ adharmaḥ akaśap Kalah, pudgalah murttah rupadigunah amarttarah sesah tu-(15).