sects which profess to hold different doctrines; for all will then understand that the different sects are like different branches of a river which have sprung from a single source, but, under stress of varying causes, were led to wander in different ways, always having in view the ultimate end of joining the ocean. The schisms in Jainism were in like manner, caused by circumstances of time and place, and the varying angles of vision of Jain Acharyas, Sadhus, and Srâvakas, the preceptors and the initiates, though the ultimate goal of liberation is the same to all.
We intend to include in this series all the sacred works of the Jainas-those accepted by all the sects and those the authority of which is accepted by only a particular sect of the Jainas. By this course, we hope to open a field of impartial investigation, by which each sect of the Jainas can find out what are the actual points of difference of opinion, and without suffering any depreciation of their own, will be enabled to appreciate what is good in the views of others.
It would not have been necessary to dilate upon this point at the very beginning, had it not been for the fact that in India, at the present day, with a very few notable exceptions, every undertaking to promote the cause of Jainism is very often suspected as a sectarian propaganda. It is therefore necessary to emphasise that in the present series the sacred works of all sects of the Jainas will receive equal and impartial attention.
The difficulties which we shall have to overcome in our undertaking are many. The valuable manuscripts of the sacred works on Jainism are kept so very concealed and neglected in temples and private libraries that they may be said to be almost inaccessible. Fortunately for us, there is a band of enlightened scions of different sects of the Jainas gradually increasing in number who have nobly sacrificed their time and money in propagating the tenets of Jainism, irrespective of minor differences of opinion. It is only with the help of friends like these that it has been possible for us to gain access to the rare manuscripts, which will be published in the subsequent volumes of this series.
Our aim, therefore, is to publish the sacred books of the Jainas in original, together with old commentaries; and, in order to make the sacred works written in languages little 11 at the present day, accessible to all, to add translation, el-vi-latin and notes. In