DOCTRINE OF THE JAINAS be found together with a summary of the spiritual and temporal genealogies in GUÉRINOT's Répertoire d'épigraphic jaina (1906). Partial collections containing the text arc for the Svet. the Prācin Jain Lekh Samgrah, Bh. 1.2 (thc latter KJIM 6, 1921) compiled by JINAVIJAYA acc. to the places of discovery and the Jain Lekh Samgrah (also under the title of Jaina Inscriptions) by Puran Chand NAHAR, Bh. 1-3, the latter with the inscriptions of Jaisalmer (C. 1918-29), for the Dig. Hirālal JAINS Jainasilālekhāsamgraha, whosc 1st vol. (MDJGM 28, 1928) offers the inscriptions of Sravana Belgola already collected by RICE (Inscriptions at Sr. B , Bangalorc 1889, 2nd. ed. by NARASIMHACHAR 1923) The fact that in the 12 vols. of RICE'S Epigraphia Carnatica (1886-1904) comprising the lastmentioned as vol. 2, chicfly Jain inscriptions are being rendered and evaluated, is explained by the course of history. For it is South India and predominantly Mysorc that became the domain of the Digambaras. It was in these parts of the sub-continent, as is proven by the inscriptions, that for centuries they flourished and exercised their influence. Their tradition is bascd on the migra tion of Bhadrabāhu's monks to the south, but it is very much later that we find South Indian communites supported by inscriptions, i.e. towards the end of the 5th century by the copper plates of Halsı in Belgaum going back to a Kadamba princc and of Saka 556-634 in Aihole, Kaledgi Distr. in Bijāpur. 8 The two Ganga documents of Nonamangala placed by RICE at about370 and 425, resp , are possibly olders The former would be the earliest Jaina inscription existing after Mathurā though separated from it by centuries Among the genuine documents of nearly the same age we have Udayagırı (South Gwalior) by
I Mahavamsa 10, 97-99 gocs still much farther beyond this date. Acc to this Palı work in Anuradhapura under the reign of the second predeces. sor of Tissa in the 4th cent B C. there lived also niganthas apart from other heretics (pasandika
2 FLEET in IA 6 and 7, Rép No g6ff 3 KIELHORN EI 6, No 1, Rép No 108 4 Ep Cam 10, Malur Taluq No 73 and 72, Rép No go and 94
That is after having climinated the older or younger fabrications compiled by FLEET IA 7, 209 8f , 18 309 ff