fails to know what to do with the latter1. Other speculations related to permutations are arrived at by crossing different lines of conceptions. Thus, for instance, it is being examined how many beings occupying one and the same hell exercise one of the 4 main passions, i.e. anger, pride, fraud, and greed (§ 167) (Viy. 68b), with the result that each of these four passions occurs with all beings, with all minus 1, with several ones and with a single one. Or, it is being demonstrated in which way 1-10 hell-beings (§ 109) divide among the 7 regions (V1y. 439b ff.). In order to give a characteristic example of the calculatory intelligence we hele refer to the statements made on the maximum and minimum (jahannenam aud ukkosenam) of most of the figures of the system, to the qualification of being both the first and not the first, both the last and not the last of one's like (padhama and apaḍhama, carima and acarima) (V1y 731b), to which the Carama-paya Pannav. 10 goes back, to the discrimination made between the beginning and the continuation of a certain condition (a. o. anantara-siddha and paramparas., Viy. 877a, also-neraya Than. 513b), and finally to the teaching of the relative number (T. 1, 8. alpa-bahutva). It answers the question of kayara kayarehimto appā vā bahugā vā tullā vā visesāhiyā vā? Such statements (in the V1y. first 235b) are comprised in Pannav. 3, the Bahuvattavvaya-paya. An object exists in proportionally a smallest number (savva-tthova), others in either undecidedly, uncountably, or infinitely as many numbers (samkhejja-gunā, asamkhejja-gunā, anantagunā). The terms mentioned here-and to be represented in this book by the figures of x, 2, ∞— are very frequent. In this connexion ananta specifically means nothing else but any other high figure. It is applied in a similarly naive way as is the idea of time, which, at least within the cosmography, means a quality among others, and which, as such a one, may be either attributed or denied to a region (§ 128).
§22. As to Indabhui's life nothing authentical is known,
1. etac c'awam ājnā-prāmānyād avagantavyam Vy 745b.
2. Permutations dating from later times are dealt with by LEUMANN,
Übersicht p 41 b