31 the teaching experiences a decline until a new preacher of salyation comes to make his appearance. And it was also the difference existing between the teachings of Pāsa and Mahāvīra that had to be perpetuated within this view. This was done in a way (Viy. 791 b; Thān. 201a) that all Titthagara prior to Pāsa are considered preachers of the câujjāma dhamma with the exception of Usabhal, and in the timeless continent of Mahāvideha ($ 113) it is even all 24. Likewise there is a difference being construed (Thān. 296a) in that the same preachers of salvation including Pāsa had no difficult career as teachers whereas Usabha and Mahāvīra had (purima-pacchimānam zinānam duggamam bhavar, tam-jahā. duārkkham duvrbhajjam dupassam dutitzkkham duranucaram). It is possible, to be true, that the system handed down to us was complete already with Pãsa, though it fails to be probable, and certainly it cannot be proved. What is said by Āyār. II 15, 16 about the religious life and death of Mahāvīra's parents is out of the question with regard to Pāsa's teaching, particularly since it includes the confession (aloetta. .. paçıkkamitta). For it was by this confession that Mahāvīra's rules differed from those of Pāsa, or else one would not have spoken of the panca-mahavvaiya sapadikkamana dhamma in contrast with his cãujjama dh. Mahāvīra appears as much too original a thinker than that he should have but repeated what had been in existence since long without adding something of his own 2 Otherwise the system would show junctures. But this is not the case.
817. For our knowledge concerning Mahāvīra's life and personality we have as ancient coherent sources: the Uvahānasuya Ayār. 19, then Āyār. II 15 (the Bhāvanā) and basing upon it Jinac. 1-148, finally Āv. 458ff. A number of detailed traits is rendered by Viy. The birthplace of Mahāvīra was the
1. This proportion of 2 to 22 also applies to the future
2 The way how he came to gain his ideas is expressed by the word Thân 173a. acc to which for him the dhamma was suadhinya, sunhārya, sutavassya.
3 Present day monographies are : Manak Chand JAINI, Life of Mahavira ( Allahabad 1908) and Bimala Churn LAW, Mv his Life and teaching, Lo. 1932).
4. Comp. The AUTHOR's Worte Mv. 's p. 18ff.