disturbances of thc pcacc by the stars, all mctcorological phenomena and all tcrrcstrial conflagrations, Jama and the Asurakumāra with supervising all wars and cpidemics, Varuna, thc Nāga-, Udalı- and Thaniyakumāra with supervising all floods, and Vcsamana including the Suvanna-, Diva- and Dısākumāra with supervising the metals and their divinc rain at important cvents Thc Vānamantara and Joisiya do not know of any logapāla, nor do they hnow of thc class of the 33 highcst officials (tāyallisa). Everywhicrc we have the same number of corps (aniya) and their commanders (anīyahivar), 1 c 7 cach. Proportionatc to terrestrial conditions we find infantry, cavalry (jídlaniya), clcphants, bulls, chariots, dancers, and musicians. The infantry consists of 7 armygroups (haccha) cach twice as strong as the preceding. The first is formed by the sāmānija gods, the third by the so-called body-guards (āyarak kha)'in full armour. We may skap the names of the commanders cxccpt that of Harı Negamcsi who is in command of Sakka's infantry whilc, at the same time, he appears as his messenger 3 He is taken over from the Brahman mythology as is Pajjanna, Sakka's official rainmaker (hālavāsi, Vıy. 634b, Isibhās. 33, 4). The number of gods who, as it were, are members of the Crown Council (parışā) is cqually large. Arranged in three gradations this council is called an "inner" (“'secret”), a medium, and an outer one, or with the Bhavanavāsī and Vemāniya it is known by samiyā, candā, and jāyā, with the Vānamantara by isā, tudiyā, and dadharahā, with the Joisiya by tumbā, tudiyā, and pavvā parisā, denotations which we are
i For a story cxplaining their origin sce Viy 500 a
2. It is true that in the traditional division of the state, of the gods into sāmānuja, tayallisa, logabala, agga-mahisi, parisa, aniya, aniy ahivat, îyarakl ha (e g Pannay first 98b), we must distinguish the sam and ay from the aniya, and acc to JACOBI ZDMG 60, 317 the sām are considered by the latcr authors to be gods of princely rank But their numbers equal thosc given for the first kaccha, Than 406 a, and, moreover, they are very large Camara, for instance, has 64,000 and Sahka 84,000 There are always four times as many dyarakhha as there are sāmānıya
3 For thc aniya, haccha and commanders sce Thăn 406a ff For the special part played by Hari Negamesi comp Jinac 21. 30 ( § 17) where (see also Āyar II 15, 4) he is called (hryānukampanta (-paga) deva He is represented by the head of an antelope (comp JACOBI SBE 22, 227).
4 Comp WINTERNITZ JRAS 1895, 149 ff