DOCTRINE OF THE JAINAS exterior one, ie each of them is ring-shaped mcasuring 800,000 Joy in width cach The interior one-that much is clearrepeats the design of the Dhāyaikanda Bchind it and to separate it from the outer ring thcre risc thc Mānussuttara mountains with one summit in every main dircction mcasuring 1,721 joy in height and 1,022 joy in diamctre at their foot. They form the boundary of the world inhabited by mcn, the Samayakhetta or Manussakhetta, beyond which men as such are not able to reach Wherc it tcrminates, all human institutions which include chronology (samaya) comc to an end, and so do the atmospheric phenomena of lightning, thunder and rain; fire, mctals in thc carth, lakes, darkness and other astronomic occurrences do no longer show ( § 128)
$123 Scarcely anything characteristic is being said about the continents and occans bcyond thc Puhhharoya. First there follow the continents of Vārunavara (Umāsvāti · Var.) Khīravara, Ghayavara, Khoyavara (Iksuvara) with thcir seas of Vārunoya (Var ), ctc 1 Beyond the Khooya (Ihsuvaroda) there lics thc Nandissaravara-diva. At cvery cardinal point we have an Anjanaga mountain measuring 84, 000 joy. in height, 1,000 joy in depth and 10,000 joy in diametre at the foot decreasing down to 1,000 30y at the top Its surroundings include a Dahimuha hill of circular shanc In the intermediate directions this continent has four Raikara hills 1,000 goy high, 1,00 gāuya decp and 10,000 joy. in diametre The continents following on thc Nandissaroya nominally belong togсther in threes cach For to the diva Aruna, Arunavara and Arunavarohāsa there correspond threc Kundala, Ruyaga, Hara, Addha hāra, Kanaga, Rayanāvali, Muttavali, Āina and Sūra at a time, and it goes without saying that each of them has a sca: Arunoya, Arunavaroya, Arunavorohāsoya, etc ? On the Kundalavara
1 Of the scas hitherto quoted Kalôya and Pullharoya taste of pure water (udaga-tasa), and so does the outermost sca to be mentioned. The Lavana sca, Varunoya, Khiroya and Ghaoya arc pallg'a-tasa (samu. dråntaraih sahasādhārana-rasah) The remaining arc khoya-rasa (Div 371 b)
2. Thus after Div. where Addhahāra to Aina arc quoted only in the comm as the insertion for a 1āva Umāsvāri on T. 3, 7 has Nandiśvara(vara and the Nandiśvaravarôda followed by the Arunavara and its sea. and presently, byś continents and seas up to the Svayambhuramana, but at