DOCTRINE OF THE JAINAS destined for it by its decds-while onc-scnscd beings may do so at any place 1 This thcory appcars in Vıy 272 b only and does not recur in the Pannav Thc ychiclc hy mcans of which the soul changes its place is the Karman body (T 2, 26), and it seems that this is its particular and only function The new place is reached by following cither a straight or bent course (Viy 85 b), and to move on the latter is called viggoha-gar. Acc. to Mahāvīra (§ 21) there are seven of such courses (scdhi) of substance particles, aggregates and beings (Viy 866 h; Thān. 705 b) among which we find the straight onc (nguy'ājaya) and both the one bent once and twice (egao-vami.a, duhao-o (but see also below). Each straight distance takes 1 samaya (Viy 630 a), egao-v means two, duhao-u thrce samaja time of travel, while one sensed beings may partly nccd even four. This is (Viy 630 a) still a speed lcaving behind all carthly comparisons In this connexion we must know that the upward- and downward-movement takes place within a shaft (nāli, Viy. 957 b) measuring 100,000 joy in diametrc which gocs through the whole world perpendicularly and confincs thc places of existence of most beings As far as the starting point and the place of destination within this shaft, called trasa-nādi by later authors, are situated on one level it takes the soul but I samaya to cover the straight course (ega-samazya viggaha) If, however, we have a different level the soul first will move cither up- or downwards in 1 sam and then horizontally to its place of destination (du-s v) If the place of destination does not lie, as was assumed above, within the range of a main direction but in that of a side direction, first the one (by a sama-śreni) and then the latter (by a visedhi, viśreni) has to be gained (dil-s-V, ti-s o). Now, if, as is the case with all one-senscd beings known to be spread world-wide in unrestricted numbers, the starting
i atthegale tao padınıyalțai, tao padınıyaļfiitä iha-m-āgacchai, iha-mägacchitla doccam pi märan'antiya-samugghāyam samohanai, samohanitta ( . ( neraiyattāe etc ) uravajzittā (thus instead of Ollae) lao pacchā āhārejja ctc Viy, 273 a
2 But Vay 955 a also gives (ega-samaiya) niggaha for the straight one (sce below).