plained as a Karman particle decreasing in the reaction produced from samaya to samaya Thus the duration of the Karman equally suggests the question of its intensity, though but by an indication. Most certainly, however, when speaking of anubhāga-kamma, the author means intensity. There is only such a one and a paesa-kamma (Viy 65a; Thân. 66a), and Mahāvira claims the discrimination of this duad to be his own (mae pannatte). To this anubhāga Pannav. 23, 1 (457b ff.) corresponds by giving anubhāva, Umāsvātı merely has anubhāva (T. 8,4 22). Apart from the kind, the duration and the power of the binding Umāsvātı, finally, also knows of the quantity (T. 8, 4. 25.). It is characterized by the pradeśa. To this there belongs the just mentioned paesa-kamma, though nothing in detail is being said as to its nature. We but learn from that passage that it must be perceived through the senses ( $ 86) while with the anubhāge-k. this is not necessarily a must. Acc. to Viy. 421 b paesa is synonymous with the avibhāga-paliccheya. Each soul unit (giva-paesa) is on all sides surrounded, if at all (for it does not pertain to the Kevalın), by Karman units (āvedhıya-parivedhıya). For this comp T. 8, 25.
In the Canon (Thān. 220 b), different from Umāsvāti, those four points of view appear among the bandha, and, moreover, they are being considered with regard to their relative number by asking of what sort of binding, what duration, what intensity and what quantity the relatively least etc. cases will occur But then the cases mentioned are dealt with in reference to samkama, ni(d) hatta and nıkārya. samkama presents itself when a Karman sub-species different from the one formerly bound materializes. nudhatta and nıkārya signify different grades of intensity by which Karman particles unite (comp. also Vy 25b) These explanations as well as those of the following expressions have to be drawn from the commentaries only. For there are still others like oyatter and uvvatter which occur side by side with samkamai, nihatter and nikāer (Viy. 24 b, 26 a). They express that the effect and consequently the consumption of a Karman may become either larger or smaller than is presupposed by its binding. The later authors