DOCTRINE OF THE JAINAS systems composed in Triştubh, sloka and, occassionally, in other old metres, among which the archaic form of the Arya (in chapter 8, see § 45) has to be mentioned : there is some prose, too. The Subhikkhu chapter Utt. 15 has a parallel of the same name in Dasav. 10. Dogmatics and duties are exposed in the following chapters: 2 Parīsahā. 22 kinds of temptations. 16. Bambhacerasamāhitthānā, the 10 instructions of chastity (comp. Dasāo) 24 Samiño The 5 samiz and the 3 gutti (§ 173). 26 Sāmāyāri. 10 cases of right conduct Daily duties. 30. Tavamagga. 6 outward and 6 inward austerities. 33. Kammapayadi. The nature of Karman, its 8 kinds, etc. 34. Lesão. The 6 lesā. 36 Jivājīvavibhatti. The system of both the animate and inanimate world.--31. Caranavihi, 21 śl, may be the text referred to in the anga-bāhıra list.
Comm.; Nijjuttı, Cunni (printed); Tikās by Sāntisūrı (Sisyahitā), Devendra, Laksmivallabha; for others see CHARPENTIER (s. b ) p. 59 f.--Ed.: ĀS 42 (Lakşmiv.), C 1880 - DLJP 33. 36.41 (Santisūri), Bo. 1916-17.-JAYANTAVIJAYA (along with comm. by Kamalasamyama), 1-3, Bo. 1923-27 — The Uttaradhyayanasūtra ed......with an introd ,crit. notes and a comm by Jarl CHARPENTIER. Uppsala 1922. Rev. by the AUTHOR OLZ 1924, 484 f --Bikaner 1923.–Lāhaur 1936 --ĀGRM 32 (no year).-Utt 1-9 in Jainapāthamālā, 4. avrttı, Ahm. 1921.-Utt. I with Guj transl in Jainajnānaprakāśa, P. 1, Ahm. 1898 --Trans! JACOBI in SBE 45, Oxford 1895 ~ For Utt. 12 (Hariesijja )and 14 (Usuyārijja)see CHARPENTIER ZDMG 62 f; for 13 (Citta-Sambhūija) see LEUMANN WZKM5f, ALSDORF, Belvalkar Felicitation Vol.
Dasaveyālıya. According to tradition a compilation of the most important topics arranged by Sayyambhava (§ 22) for his son Manaka This selection considers the practice of the monk's life even more decidedly than is done in Utt. The title means “10 (lectures) beyond (the prescribed study hours)” 2 cūliyā at the end bring the number of ajghayana up to 12. SI,
I The AUTHOR in Studia Indologica (Festschrift Kifel) 1955, P. 280 For the title of Dasakālıya see GHATAGE JBORS 1953, P 432-439, For the chronology of Dasay and Ayāra II THE SAME NIA I (1938), p 130-131.