DOCTRINE OF THE JAINAS body. 5 kinds of getting somewhere (gar-ppavāya, comp. § 38 footnote) along with their sub-scctions; the first of them is the the paoga-gai 17 Lessā, 6 udd. 18 Kāyattini. Remaining in the same shape of a body for more than onc lisc. 19. Sammatta. True, wrong and mixcd insight 20. Antakırıyä. How to reach the end of active being 21. Ogāhanāsamthāna. Sizc and shape of the 5 bodies 22 Kırıyā. 2 limes 5 hinds of activity. 23. Kammapagadi. The 8 kinds of Kamma, in 2 udd. 24. Kammabandha Binding of several Kamma spccics when some of them are being bound 25 Kammavcya. Sensation of several kinds of Kamma when being bound 26. Veyabandha. Binding (as in 24) when being felt 27 Veyavcya (as in 25) when bcing felt 28. Āhāra Attraction of matter. 29 Uvaoga. 2 kinds of spiritual function 30 Pāsanayā. 2 kinds of sccing 31 Sanni. The beings in possession of reason. 32. Samjaya. Self-control. 33. Ohi. Its 2 and 6 kinds. 34 Parıyāranā. Embodiment and sexuality (with the gods). 35. Vcyanā. 3 kinds of sensation, four more, three times three more, two times two more, 36 Samugghāya, The 7 kinds of explosive annihilation.
Comm · Tīkā by Malayagiri --Ed (along with the Țikā): ĀS, Ben 1884 -Ag.S., Bo. 1918-19.
5. Sūrapannattı The physics of the sky, though chicfly concerned with the activity and the cffects of the sun and the moon In the opening passages we have thc usual legendary introduction of Goyama's questions directed to Mahāvīra, but later on either personality disappears completely, and both ques. tion and reply are impersonal 1 The question invariably has tā kaham te .. White 'tı vadezgā with the word of tā invariably introducing a sentence This style is peculiar for the Sürap. With the Jiv. the Sūrap. shares the usage of ege in all chapters with the only exception of the main portion of the 10th. These ege following one after the other produce their padivaltı, but, finally, the true teaching is brought up against them all (vayam puna evam vayāmo), a method reminding us of the Kautaliya The Sūrap. has 20 pāhuda, each subdivided into pāhudapāhuda,- and
1. Saman'sāuno 846 ff is most exceptional