no leading principle is recognizable. Many categories appear in other canonical texts, whereas other ones are not to be found elsewhere. Thana as well as Samavaya (s. b) refer to texts that got lost, and those we still possess are, partly, listed as having other sections.
Comm: Vrtti by Abhayadeva.-Ed. (along with the Vrtti): As 3, Ben. 1880-Ag S, 1. 2. Bo 1918-20.
4. Samavaya. A supplement of, and a continuation to, Thana according to groups of 1 up to 1014 (sāgarovama-koḍākoḍi) objects The last third of Samav. is an appendix and in general describes the duvalas' anga ganı-pıḍaga. In one further appendix the qualities of all beings are described in query and reply A third appendix, in common Gāhās, shows the dates of the spiritual and (temporal) heroes. There is no doubt whatever that these appendices found their place in the Samav. on account of their numberings
Comm Vrtti by Abhayadeva -Ed. (along with the Vrtti): ĀS 4, Ben 1880.-Ag. S, Bo 1918.
5. Viyahapannatti This is the true old name frequently perverted to Vivahap as which PISCHEL unfortunately quotes it in his grammar. The later title of Bhagavai is no more than an adjective occasionally attributed to Ayāra and Sūyagada likewise 1 What we have before us is a "proclamation of explanations" rendered by Mahāvīra as an answer to individual questions asked by disciples and, by far in most cases, directed to Goyama. 41 saya of which 1-20 seem to form the germ of the whole, and to which 25 can be added. Saya "one hundred" aptly means a great number of interviews taking place at different places and not interconnected by a distinct thread of thought Their sequence is frequently merely superficial and similar to what can be stated in the Bambhaceräim. Apart from the germ thus characterized, sayas 24 and 30 as such and 21-23 (subdivided into vagga, etc ), 26-29, 31 and 32, 33 and 34, 35-40 form groups of uniform contents. Frequent references to other works, especially so to Pannavană and Jivābhigama, by which the preceding or subsequent topics are either introduced
1. Comp. Samav 92 a, Äyäranijutti, 1, Sūyagada-nijj I.